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The Importance of GOAL to Success

Posted by Jun Bumanlag

If you are working for success, then setup a goal first. All work we do has a motive. Ask yourself, What is your goal in life? Working and working casually or hardly will not get you to the place you wanted to be. It is just like keep going and going without having any objectives. Think about your life and plan it. Ask yourself, in the next 10 years what would be your status? What earning do you want to get in the next 10 years, what things you want to have in the future? What improvements do you want to do for yourself, family and household? If you setup a goal then you could achieve it. Set bigger goals in life. If you earn $1000 now, set a target to earn $10,000 or more to earn in the future. This target could be so tough for you, so try this: Try to earn $2000. When you reached your target, set a new target of earning $3000.

Big industries of today set a goal in their previous 5 or 10 years to be in the great status of today. If you want to do what others do and want to earn like other common man earn then you will hardly improve your earnings and status. Set a bigger goal and split it into different steps. If you set a goal of earning $10,000 a month then you will earn $10,000 or less but not more than it. If you set to earn $50,000 a month then you will be able to earn that. So it doesn't matters what kind of ability or skills you have, it matters what is your goal? If you setup a bigger goal, then your mind will tend you to do more work with more skillfully. Think like big industries. They rise to the top from this big goals. They hire people who have positive attitude and the ability of big thinking. They are paid a handsome salary just to think big for the companies. Your success depends on you and what goals you set. Try to think big and set bigger goals.


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