What is the distance between your home and office? May be 3 miles, and it could take 10-15 minutes to go there. But is it really 3 miles to your office? If you could draw a straight line from your home to office, it wouldn't be more than 1.5 miles. The same matter happens with you and your desired success. You are very close to your success but cannot achieve it. You have to take and travel from different paths and go to different places to arrive on your final destination. If you think that success is not very far from you, then you could easily complete your journey. In Network marketing, you also have to do many things for your desired royalty income. Many people asks me, "How many workers I need to build a great network?" I tell them they need only two workers (binary 50-50 plan).
If you join only two distributors on your team and make them as a leader, you will have a great powerful team. Make them the Diamond Executive, and you would be the Crown Executive. If you keep complete focus on these two distributors, soon they will lead your entire team making you worry less for your team. You don't need thousands of people to make you earn royalty, you just need 2-3 leaders in your team. For making them as leaders, you have to be a leader. MLM is not like joining a bunch of people on your team and keep the earning going and going. For this reason 97% of people fail in MLM. I'm sorry to say this, but this is true. For doing this business, you have to make sure that the sales which are you making though the team is enough for your royalty. When you see your team has enough leaders who can lead your team in your absence, then you could retire from MLM. But the truth is, many people quit MLM after achieving some steps hopping that my rest of the team mates will continue their work. When you quit, the rest of your team gets lazy too. In MLM, the down line follows you. They will become just like you. So be a leader and make them as a leader too. Because your distance to success is not that far away.
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